Get a Professional Service
By hiring Independent Alarm to install your voice and data cabling, you are guaranteed the highest quality service and products. Call us today at 800.322.4231 or use our form to schedule a free evaluation to discuss your cabling needs.

Wiring Is Our Specialty
Our staff at Independent Alarm has installed hundreds of thousands of feet of voice and data cabling over the years. Our team has experience installing Category 3, Category 5, Category 6, Fiber Optic, and Coaxial Cabling for our customers. We also install the networking head-end equipment, including racks and patch panels. We can provide punch-down terminations at both the head end and the field. And we can provide a data test report at the completion of the job. We can follow your plan or consult with you on a new design. Our cabling adheres to the guidelines established in the National Electrical Code. Applications: Restaurants, Bars, and Taverns, Warehouses and Industrial, Complexes, Schools, Libraries, Government Buildings, Strip Malls, Single Storefront Shops, Storage Facilities, Hotels & Motels, Nursing Homes and Medical Offices, Group Home Residences, Senior Living Centers, Multi-Unit Housing.
Consult A Licensed Security Expert
Get a no-pressure estimate with a licensed security expert. Experience the Independent Alarm difference.
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